The Chronicle
Picture of SiC Entertainment NZ

Promos, Offers & Comps #1

Welcome to the first article in the Promos, Offers & Comps Section

The Chronicle is a dedicated feed of quality content tailored for the NZ Electronic Music Industry.
Each article, submitted by our contributors or written in house, is checked by our editors to ensure the info presented is interesting, factual, relevant, informative, helpful, fun and meets our guidelines to be presented to you.

So what is the Promos, Offers & Comps Section?

This section is where you come to find great deals, specials and discounts or win stuff by entering competitions. 
Think tickets and bar tabs giveaways, product sales or promotional offers, download discounts and more from our contributors, SiC Entertainment and across the web.

By checking this section often, you will never miss a sweet deal or a chance to score yourself some free stuff.

Promos, Offers & Comps #1

Here at SiCE, we are tired of all the blah blah you find while scrolling on other platforms and have created the Chronicle to help you find the info & news that you really want to know about.
Thanks for your support and stay tuned for more Comps, Promo’s & Offers coming soon.

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