Booking fees

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Booking fees are charged on all tickets sold and may vary between events, tickets and products.
The booking fee charged covers the credit card transaction fee, our service charge and our Agent cashback commission.
All booking fees are in NZ dollars and include GST of 15%.


Our bookings fees are as follows:
10% for tickets under $100 with a $2 minimum fee
8% for tickets over $100
7.5% for tickets over $200

Transactions Fees

We use Stripe to process our payments and they charge a transaction fee for every purchase made on our site.
The transaction fee is included in the booking fee
Stripe’s rate is 2.9% of the full purchase amount inc gst + $0.30 per transaction.

Agent Cashback

The Agent Cashback commission is 3% of the gst exclusive price. The Agent cashback fee is included in the booking fee.

Who receives the cashback commission depends on how the tickets were sold.
If a logged in member, who is registered as an Agent makes the ticket purchase, then they receive the cashback commission.
If an Agent has promoted the event using their Agent ID and this referral generates a sale, then the Agent will receive the cashback commission.
Please note that the promoter of the event may also be an Agent.

Please see the Agent Section for more info on how the Agent Program works.

Our fees

The remaining share of the booking fee is our service fee.
This helps to pay for the administration, infrastructure and support services we provide in order to facilitate the ticket sales process.


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